We are very happy to announce that Studioware has officially received the prestigious Great Place to Work® certification, a recognition that rewards the best companies to work for! This...
A day of sports and training with Franco Bertoli: how team building strengthened the Studioware team through personal and professional growth experiences It may not be original to say...
On July 4th, Salesforce, the global leader in CRM, and Studioware, a business integrator specialising in CRM, hosted the HUMAN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION event in Pescara, at the stunning...
On 20th May, at the “E. Mattei” Technical Institute in Vasto, a guidance session was held for students interested in the tech world, alongside the 5^A and 5^B Computer...
In today’s ever-changing world, technology is rapidly shaping the way we live, work, study, and interact. It is important to prepare new generations to face the challenges and seize...
In the magical world of cinema, the audience is often captivated by compelling performances that convey deep emotions. A classic example of this occurs in the epic film The...
“Have you made a decision about implementing the new CRM system in the company?” asked the CEO for the umpteenth time during the end-of-month board meeting. “No…” responded a...
A wise management consultant once told me, “Time doesn’t exist, only what we do with it does.” WOW! The topic was efficiency in business. Countless books and renowned authors...
What is the connection between the principle of communicating vessels and a software’s integration capability, or the ability to “link” it to other software within a company’s information...
Yes, even Studioware has given in to the irresistible temptation. After all, since December 2022, it’s all anyone has been talking about on themed YouTube channels and, more generally,...